Community HealthChoices (CHC) Providers
CopilotPro21's Eligibility Module streamlines the Community HealthChoices (CHC) verification process at the provider level. The application programmatically checks all of your consumers daily against the PA PROMISe database, and notifies you the instant a consumer is no longer eligible and enrolled in CHC. As an added benefit, we also alert you when consumers switch Managed Care Organizations!
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OPTIONS Area Agency on Aging's and Providers
CopilotPro21's Eligibility Module streamlines the OPTIONS eligibility verification process at the provider and Area Agency on Aging (AAA) level. The application programmatically checks all of your consumers daily against the PA PROMISe database, and notifies you the instant a consumer is eligible and enrolled in CHC. The reason many AAA's and providers utilize this tool is because they are not always notified in a timely manner when consumers transition to CHC, causing them to continue to provide OPTIONS services to CHC participants which is an audit exception. The time and money lost in these situations adds up quickly which is why this tool is a favorite of many!
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